At 3corações, integrity is part of who we are. It is present in all our actions, since the foundation of the company. Acting with ethics, transparency, responsibility, and honesty is a behavior that we encourage in everyone we interact with. By practicing this, we are not only doing what is right, but also reinforcing the solid foundation upon which we have built our history. See the conduct we adopt as part of who we are and also expect from our business partners.

Just as we respect our intellectual property, we also safeguard the intellectual property of third parties. We require our suppliers to adopt the best labor practices, comply with the law, pay taxes, and promote a healthy environment.
We do not tolerate deviations of any nature, financial, of a product unit, gift, or sample, for one's own benefit or that of third parties. These cases will be dealt with in accordance with the law. Below are our guidelines for business partners.
Letter of Conduct
Our way of being
Companies usually formalize their values and principles in a document called Code of Ethics. At 3corações, we prefer to call it the Conduct Charter, because we believe that ethics is in our essence, in the heart of people and the company.
The Conduct Charter is a manifestation of our essence, which shows us how we should act with all those who relate to us, ensuring that our decisions will always be made looking at the same time, for the growth of our business, social justice, and environmental protection.
Our Conduct Charter is our foundation as a socially responsible company. By signing it, the senior management of the 3corações Group has committed to its dissemination and compliance.

In 2017, 3corações consolidated its Anti-Corruption Policy, endorsed by the Board of Directors. The Policy is integral part of employment contracts, contracts with suppliers and in our Letter of Conduct. We do not accept corruption or bribe payments, do not admit deviations of any kind and do not accept anyone to use their position in the company for personal favors and services.
Our relationship with the government is based on the Letter of Conduct, in which we claim the company's sales and profits are the result of honest work and are entirely within the Law. The documentation of all transactions with duly paid taxes ensures that all the company's activities also generate the best social outcomes.
The relationship of 3corações with its suppliers is based on a transparent and respectful partnership stated in the Letter of Conduct: just as we respect our intellectual property, we also care for the intellectual property of third parties. We demand our suppliers adopt the best labor practices, obey the law, collect taxes and promote a healthy environment. 3corações Group also applies a series of general contracting conditions for entering into legal business.

Since 2010, a channel that tightens our bonds! It is everyone's responsibility to collaborate to maintain integrity in 3corações. Therefore, if you suspect or witness an irregular situation that is in disagreement with the Group's Letter of Conduct or Anti-Corruption Policy, please contact the Ombudsman by telephone, letter, e-mail or fill out the form below. The complaints are confidential and can be registered in an identified or anonymous form. The verification of the facts occurs in an impartial and ethical way. The Ombudsman receives, registers and treats the manifestations in an impartial way based on the current laws and the way of being of the 3corações Group.
Contact our Ombudsman
In 3corações, the Compliance management was created to develop practices and measures for continuous improvement that ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and internal Group standards, as well as to perpetually disseminate a culture of integrity at all levels.
Our Compliance team administratively reports to the Presidency and functionally to the Integrity Committee.
The Integrity Committee acts as a beacon, guiding ethical decision-making, and by establishing and maintaining communication channels with stakeholders, it creates an environment where integrity issues can be raised, discussed, and resolved fairly and transparently.
*Information up to management level
Global Compact
The 3corações Group is a signatory of the Global Compact, a UN initiative that aims to engage the global business community in adopting fundamental and internationally accepted values in the areas of human rights, labor relations, the environment, and the fight against corruption.

Sustainable Development Goals
Committed to building a better country and world, since 2003 we have committed to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and in 2015 we continue to be committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a collection of 17 global goals established by the United Nations General Assembly.

Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption
3corações is committed to playing an important role in promoting a more honest and ethical market. In this sense, it is a signatory to the Corporate Pact for Integrity and against Corruption, promoted by the Ethos Institute. A movement to unite companies with the aim of promoting a more honest and ethical market and eradicating bribery and corruption. See more

Movement Transparency 100%
Since March 2024, the 3corações Group joined the Transparency 100% Movement, an initiative promoted by the Brazil Network of the UN Global Compact, aimed at promoting corporate transparency in Brazil.
With the signing of the Commitment Letter to join the Movement, the 3corações Group commits to achieving 5 goals by 2030:
• 100% transparency in interactions with the Public Administration
• 100% integrity in the remuneration of senior management
• 100% of the high-risk value chain trained in integrity
• 100% transparency of the Compliance and Governance structure
• 100% transparency about the reporting channels

The 3corações Group always strives to adopt the best market practices in terms of integrity and ethical conduct. Our company is periodically evaluated by market reference entities and bodies, achieving recognitions such as the Clean Company Seal (Ethos Institute) and Agro More Integrity (MAPA). See more

The Corporate Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption is a voluntary commitment undertaken by private and public companies, with the aim of uniting them in promoting a more honest and ethical market and reducing various corruption practices. See more