Grupo 3corações is a joint venture between the Brazilian firm São Miguel and the Israeli company Strauss Coffee.
Shai Babad
Corporate Director
Ofra Strauss
Corporate Director
Hila Mukevisuis
Corporate Director
Hilel Kremer
Corporate Director
Pedro Lima
Corporate Director
Vicente Lima
Corporate Director
Daniela Mañas
Corporate Director
Paula Lima
Corporate Director
The hierarchies and roles of each of our boards.
Shareholders Assembly
Board of Directors
Pedro Lima President
Paulo Lima Commercial Director
Vicente Lima Marketing and Supply Chain Director
Sueli Alves Human Resources Director
Romero Martins Industrial and Information Technology Director
Danisio Barbosa Financial Director
The Letter of Conduct is a manifestation of our essence, which guides us on how we should act with those with whom we have relations, ensuring that our decisions are always made with the growth of our business, social justice and environmental protection in mind.
Check the entire Letter of ConductPedro Lima President
Pedro Lima (born in São Miguel – Brazil, June 28, 1964) studied Agronomy at the Escola Superior de Agricultura de Mossoró (ESAM). As an entrepreneur, he has more than 30 years of experience dedicated entirely to the building and running of the Santa Clara Group, now Grupo 3corações.
He has actively participated in several national and international associations. In 2015, he was named Entrepreneur of the Year in Brazil, by EY consulting, and represented the country at the international award “World Entrepreneur of the Year” in Monaco.
Paulo Lima Commercial Director
Paulo Lima (born in São Miguel – Brazil, September 27, 1966) is an entrepreneur and businessman. With extensive knowledge of the Brazilian retail food sector, he has more than 30 years of professional experience dedicated entirely to the building and management of the 3corações Group. He actively participates in the market with the development of business plans, the analyses of potential ventures, the establishing and attaining of targets as well as with customer service.
Vicente Lima Marketing and Supply Chain Director
Vicente Lima (born in São Miguel – Brazil, August 13, 1968) is an entrepreneur, businessman and Chief Supplies, Logistics and New Business Development Officer of Grupo 3corações. His professional career includes more than 30 years dedicated entirely to the building and management of the Santa Clara Group, now Group 3corações, where he has served as Administrative and Financial Director, Industrial Director and Director of Supplies, as well as developing the business of exporting green coffee and the distribution of products throughout the country, involving more than 320,000 sales locations.
Sueli Alves Human Resources Director
Head of Human Resources at Grupo 3corações, Sueli Alves (born in Russas – Brazil, January 29, 1961) has been part of the company since 1995 and has developed activities in Planning and Processes and Organizational Development. She has a degree in Business Administration from the Universidade Estadual do Ceará and a degree in Management Philosophy from Rhodia/Pacto Cooperação of the Government of the State of Ceará, a post-graduate degree in Business Administration from the Universidade Mogi das Cruzes (São Paulo) and a degree in Culture and Strategy from the University of Coimbra (Portugal).
Romero Martins Industrial and Information Technology Director
Romero Martins (born in Recife – Brazil, August 21, 1958) holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco and a specialization in Sugar Cane and Sugar Production from Durban, South Africa. He has been part of 3corações since 1994, acting as Industrial Technical Adviser (1994-1999), Financial Administrative Director (2000-2005) and Director of Operations (2006-2010). He is currently the Industrial and Administrative Director.
Danisio Barbosa Financial Director
Part of Grupo 3corações since 2010, Danisio Costa Lima Barbosa (born in Fortaleza – Brazil, July 28, 1980) has developed activities related to the areas of Reports (2010-2014) and Controllership and Planning (2015-2016) and has experience in Accounting and External Auditing. He is currently the Financial Director. With a degree in Accounting from the Universidade Federal do Ceará, he has training in Accounting Analyst Facilitation by the Regional Accounting Council of Ceará and Auditors Training by Fortes Educação. He participated in the IFRS International Conference in Mexico.