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We are aware that nature is an asset of everyone and the source of the resources necessary for our survival as people and as a business. We encourage innovations and initiatives that lead to environmental quality and the reduction of the effects of climate change.

We reaffirm our commitment to the sustainability of our operations, aware of the responsibility to leave the world better than we find it for future generations, doing business that generates value for people, for the organization, for our country and for the world.

We understand that the sustainability of our business depends on the responsible use of all resources – material, natural and human – in our relationships. We avoid waste of any kind, using ever more efficient production processes, as we are aware that they harm the Company, the environment and society.

Please access and read our Letter of Conduct.

Nossos compromissos

Creating legitimate and lasting links is what moves Grupo 3corações in its relations with all its target consumers. Our main objective is to positively impact people’s lives through our business.



We ensure the safety and quality of our products, the reputation of our brands and the satisfaction of our customers and consumers.



Here we respect and value all people and cultures. We seek an environment of dialogue, in which the harmony of the whole is the result of the conscious attitude of each one.



Our shareholders are the faithful guarantors of our values and culture.



We base our relations with any level of government or authority on seriousness and fairness. We support the fight against corruption and the application of all provisions provided for in the legislation.



We are committed to building a better country and a better world. We participate in and support initiatives to improve the quality of life of communities.



We protect the rights of our company without harming or abusing those of our business partners.



We base our relations with any level of government or authority on seriousness and fairness. We support the fight against corruption and the application of all provisions provided for in the legislation.

Nossos reconhecimentos

POPAI 2023 AwardThe award that values innovation, creativity, and excellence applied to retail honored 3corações with gold in the eco-efficiency category for the Capsule Collector Displays Project

Good Compliance PracticesDonations in times of pandemic, according to the CGU good practices (Brasília | DF) - 2020

ODS Pacto Global AwardProjeto Florada | Big Companies | Axis: People - 2019

Seal: Elderly Friendly CompanyCity Hall (Fortaleza | CE) - 2017

Seal: Citizen CompanyHEMOCE | Government of the State of Ceará - 2017

Seal: Elderly Friendly CompanyCity Hall (Fortaleza | CE) - 2016

SESI Quality at Work AwardCategory: Social & Environmental Development - 2012

Delmiro Gouveia Award - Financial & Social DevelopmentFundação Demócrito Rocha and “O Povo” Communication Group (Fortaleza | CE) - 2004

Nossos compromissos externos

Goals and Sustainable Development

Grupo 3corações, committed to building a better country and a better world, aligns its actions and business objectives with global commitments with local operations.

Since 2003, we have been committed to the Millennium Development Goals – MDGs and in 2015 we remain committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs.

Learn more

UN Global Compact

pacto-global-lIn 2014 we became Signatories of the Global Compact – Rede Brasil, developing and supporting actions that contribute to facing society’s challenges. UN initiative, aims to engage the world business community for the adoption of fundamental and internationally accepted values, through 10 Principles derived from Human Rights of the Declaration of the International Labor Organization – ILO, on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, of the Declaration of Rio on Environment and Development and of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, organized in the segments: Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption.

Learn more

Relatório de sustentabilidade

Delivered annually, it is the written statement of our ties with society.

With presentation of clear, objective and concise information, it is based on the principles of transparency, accountability and corporate responsibility.

See 2019 report   See 2020 report   See 2021 report   See 2022 report   Summary of the 2022 report   See 2023 report