Projects that aim to foster sustainable development by supporting women and indigenous coffee farmers and reverting 100% of the profit of these micro-plots due to these causes.
The Tribes Project
The Tribes Project was conceived by 3corações together with important partners: Funai, Embrapa-RO, Câmara Setorial do Café, Emater-RO, Secretarias de Agricultura de Cacoal e Alta Floresta, in addition to indigenous cooperatives Garah Itxá, Coopaiter, Doá Txatô and Coopsur. Created with the objective of promoting sustainable development, this initiative is strongly based on three important inseparable and interdependent pillars: they are the protagonists of the indigenous people, protection of the forest and the production of high-quality coffee.
The Florada Project
Through a sustainable cycle, this initiative has as main objectives: offer access to best practices in the production of specialty coffees through the free training program “Florada Educa”; recognize and value the rare micro-plots grown by them when promoting the “Florada Premiada” Contest; and, as a final point, connect those who produce with those who consume, since it provides, through the campaign “Join them”, the opportunity for the consumer to be part of the project, since when acquiring one of the Micro-plots, 100% of the profit returns to coffee growers. With this, 3corações completes the sustainable cycle of the Projeto Florada.
The Florada Premiada Contest
3corações fosters, in partnership with the Associação Brasileira de Cafés Especiais – BSCA, the “Florada Premiada” Contest. For coffee growers who produce 100% Arabica coffee.
The Florada Educa Project
A free platform, with video classes that give access to the best practices in the production of specialty coffees. Come and improve your knowledge.
3corações in partnership with social institutions throughout Brazil, supports Projects through financial contributions and food donations, which aims to provide a better quality of life for people, through education, health, culture and sport.
With the social sensitivity of companies like 3corações, these institutions can continue with their social work, offering opportunities for the full exercise of citizenship.
Meet some of these initiatives:
Casa Durval Paiva – RN
Its mission is to welcome children and adolescents with cancer and chronic hematological diseases and their families, before, during and after treatment, seeking a cure, contributing to the rescue of citizenship, dignity and quality of life.
Casa Hope – SP
Casa Hope is an institution that offers biopsychosocial and educational support to children and adolescents with cancer and transplanted bone marrow, liver and kidneys, along with their companions.
Fundação Social Raimundo Fagner – CE
With units in Fortaleza and Orós, in Ceará, the Raimundo Fagner Social Foundation has several spaces for the development of cultural and educational activities for 400 children and adolescents.
Hospital da Baleia – MG
Operating for over 75 years in the state of Minas Gerais, the Hospital da Baleia serves 30 medical specialties and has more than 300 doctors in its Clinical Body, in addition to a multidisciplinary team with humanized, full and quality care.
Lar Torres de Melo – CE
Considered the largest long-stay institution for the elderly in the North and Northeast of Brazil, serving 220 residents, Lar Torres de Melo is dedicated to welcoming elderly people in conditions of social vulnerability, meeting their needs for social assistance and health.
Cacau Show Institute – SP
Instituto Cacau Show (ICS), founded in 2009, is a non-profit or economic social organization that offers free educational, sporting, cultural and training activities for children and teenagers from 6 to 17 years old in various locations in the municipality of Itapevi/SP .
GRAACC – Support Group for Adolescents and Children with Cancer – is a non-profit institution, created to guarantee children and adolescents with cancer the right to achieve every chance of cure with quality of life, within the most advanced scientific standard .
Mato Grosso Cancer Hospital – MT
The Cancer Hospital works in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, also offering multidisciplinary care in various specialties in Mato Grosso.
The history of the entity is directly linked to its sponsor and owner, the Mato Grosso Association for the Fight against Cancer (AMCC), a philanthropic institution founded on April 11, 1954.
The Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) is a social organization whose main objective is to promote comprehensive care for people with intellectual and multiple disabilities.
INCAvolunteer – RJ
INCAvoluntário’s mission is to contribute to improving the quality of life of INCA (National Cancer Institute) patients and their caregivers, promoting and supporting activities for social inclusion and citizenship recovery.
Martagão Gesteira Hospital – BA
The institution’s mission is to contribute to human development through actions of social mobilization, prevention, assistance, rehabilitation, teaching and research with attention to the health of mother and child. It is the largest exclusively pediatric hospital in the North and Northeast, a reference in the care of the most diverse pediatric specialties.
State Women’s Network for the Fight against Cancer of Piauí – PI
The State Women’s Network for Fighting Cancer of Piauí is a philanthropic entity whose objective is the social struggle in the fight against cancer. In 2000, the Support Home for Children with Cancer – Lar de Maria – was inaugurated to support children with cancer and their respective caregivers, who are in a situation of social vulnerability.
3corações believes in a productive and innovative society, which is, at the same time, inclusive, sustainable and democratic, that is why it supports organizations that encourage, develop and improve young people and adults who wish to undertake or who already do.
Junior Achievement Ceará
We are one of the largest youth-promoting social organizations in the world. We encourage and develop students for the job market through the “learn-by-doing” method.
To increase the quality of life in the communities in which we operate, we foster the adoption of public spaces, thus ensuring the maintenance of green areas, and helping ecological awareness in the states of Ceará and Minas Gerais.
We cultivate civism in our daily lives. “Bem de Coração” encourages employee volunteerism, supporting and sharing ideas. We especially encourage blood donation, a gesture of solidarity, love and empathy that saves lives.
Antônia Suênia has been the Promotion and Merchandising Supervisor at CD Natal/RN for 16 years. See what motivates her to be a volunteer:
“At the age of 13, I started a work with young people, which focused on rescuing young people from the area of social vulnerability, using theater and dance. It’s great to be able to help those in need, because what for us we have may seem little, for whoever receives it comes as a divine blessing”.
Andressa Alves da Silva Lemos is an Administrative Analyst from Rio de Janeiro and has been with the company for 12 years. Learn about her experience as a handicraft advisor for women in a social project:
“In addition to teaching and sharing what little I know, I learn from these women, I learn from the story of each one of them. I feel fulfilled to see that the time I donated is rewarded by seeing them feel useful in doing something unique, completely manual. This work brings a sense of well-being and raises their self-esteem. It’s nice to see that little actions of ours can make a big difference in someone’s life!”